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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Aphelandra White Wash

SKU SQ5996299


Still a fairly new variety of Aphelandra, 'white wash' is a beautiful plant with really interesting wavy leaves and more white than green.


Aphelandra is a genus of flowering plants in the Acanthaceae family. it is mainly found in tropical and subtropical South America. They have a high decorative ornamental value due to the colours of the leaves. ‘White wash’ is unique as it is one of the few in this genus that do not flower.



Water the plant moderately weekly, but make sure that the root ball does not dry out. This plant needs a lot of indirect light, but don’t place it in full sun. 

It needs a temperature of 15-25 d.c

Feed monthly during spring and summer.

As a tropical plant it will benefit from a misting regularly to create humidity.

Growth Habit

Will grow to around 2ft high and keep a compact shape.

Repot once the roots crowd the pot in a free draining, humus rich compost. 

Special notes

This species of Aphelandra is protected by plant breeders rights. It is therefore ILLEGAL to propogate this plant for sale. You may do so for your own personal collection.

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