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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Digitalis purpurea 'Snow Thimble'



This is a unique selection of Foxglove, bearing tall spikes of pure white bell-shaped flowers in summer. Digitalis is a bienniel plant meaning it will flower every second year, self seed and then die before the new plants come up next year. 


Great for mid to back border plantings and fabulous for creating cottage gardens.


Only 3 left in stock

Product Information

Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

White flowers June - September

Height/ spread;  100 x 40 cm

Fully hardy

Attractive to wildlife

2litre pot


Good to know


Please note that ALL PARTS of digitalis are toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Wear gloves when handling. Ensure animals cannot eat it. Keep children away from plants. Wash hands thoroughly after handling even when wearing gloves. DO NOT touch face whilst handling

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