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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Epipremnum Aureum 'Happy Leaf'

SKU SQ2113326


A fairly new variety of epipremnum, Happy Leaf is a wonderful trailing plant.  It was discovered entirely by accident in a nursery and was propogated so now you can enjoy it at home.  Happy Leaf is a hybrid and does not grow in the wild, but its genus is native to Asia


More white than green, the leaves can grow fairly large.  Epipremnums are air purifying plants, removing formaldehyde and benzine from the air, absorbing it, breaking it down and releasing fresh, clean oxygen. 


This makes the perfect hanging plant or will sit happily on a high shelf.   


As with all aroids, it likes high humidity, moist soil and feeding during the summer months.  Reduce watering in winter and allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again to prevent root rot. Stop feeding from Autumn to Spring.


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