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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Ficus carica 'White Marseilles'



A large, deciduous shrub with bold, deeply-lobed leaves and green, edible fruit . Usually one crop of fruit per year, but sometimes two in a hot summer or under protection. Many cultivated varieties of fig have been developed from this species.


Best grown fan-trained against a warm wall or fence, using a root restriction method such as a box of paving slabs with the bottom filled with a warm layer of rubble or broken crocks. Also suitable for cultivation in a container. See fig cultivation


Growth Habit

Position: Full or part sun/ sheltered - a sunny wall is perfect.  Restrict roots by laying rubble in the planting hole and lining the sides with paving slabs.

Soil: Well drained but moist

Habit: Tree

Flowering period: NA

Hardiness: Hardy but protect fruit during very harsh winters.

Ultimate height: 400cm

Ultimate spread: 400cm

9cm pot


Fig trees are thirsty plants so ensure you regularly water it during its first season in the ground, and during hot and dry weather.

In order to produce good fruit you should feed your tree weekly with a fruit tree general purpose feed.  If you're not overly worried about fruiting, you can just water and it will produce more leaves than fruit.  

In mid-spring remove a proportion (1/4 to 1/3) of older branches

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