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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Neoregelia 'Greenball' Fireball

SKU SQ8337123


Neoregelia 'Fireball' (green form) was discovered in 1992, found in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It has the same size and shape as the popular species "Fireball" with green leaves and slight purple coloration on the base of the leaves.

Still rare in cultivation, a choice plant for collectors. This species of neoregelia can grow terrestrially as well as without soil as an epiphyte. If grown in soil, it can be watered like other plants. If grown as an epiphyte it will hold its water in the central ‘tank’ where its leaves grow from. If growing this way, it’s important to empty this water regularly to ensure it stays fresh, if it doesn’t evaporate naturally.

They prefer bright indirect light, not direct sunlight, and are perfect as terrarium or vivarium plants.


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