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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Philodendron 'joepii'



Philodendron joepii is derived from the Greek words “Philo” meaning love and affection, whereas “dendron” means tree. The plant is native to South America and was discovered in French Guinea by Joep Moonen, a Dutch botanist in 1991 during an ecological tour of the Maroni River, hence its name.  Sadly this species of philo is thought to be nearly extinct in the wild, but is successfully bred commercially.


Philodendron joepii is an evergreen climbing hemiepiphyte. Hemiepiphytes are plants with two growth phases- terrestrial i.e. living on land and epiphyte i.e. a plant that grows on another plant without being parasitic in nature. Monstera and Epipremnums are also hemiephiphytes.


Supplied in a 12cm nursery pot and currently putting out new growth


Only 5 left in stock


Philodendrons are the natives of tropical regions so they prefer tropical conditions to grow well as houseplants.  A temperature between 18 - 23 degrees Celsius is best and it should be constant as they don't like drops in temperature. 

Humidity is vital for philos. Without it their leaves tend to suffer with brown crispy tips. Try to aim for 60% humidity by way of spritzing or using a humidifier.

Compost needs to be open, free flowing and humus rich.  A good mix would be all purpose compost, fine orchid bark, worm castings if you can get them, coir and perlite or fine grit/ silver sand.  It's vital to ensure the mix is open or the roots will rot.  The best pH for the growth of the plant is 4.5-7.5

Water when the soil is a little dry but not completely dry.  Ensure that you allow the water to completely drain from the pot before putting back into its outer pot or saucer and don't overstaturate the compost or you will rot the roots. Feed during the growing season and reduce watering in winter. 

Only repot your plant when roots start to come through the bottom of the pot. 

Cautionary Notes

Like all philos, joeppi is toxic to animals and humans if injested so ensure it is kept away from pets and children, wear gloves when handling and wash hands well afterwards.

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