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(frondere: to be in leaf)

Polystichum polyblepharum



P. polyblepharum is an evergreen fern forming a 'shuttlecock' of spreading, glossy dark green, bipinnate fronds.  Attractive young fronds  in yellowish-green form in spring.  


Commonly called the Japanese Tassle Fern, it likes full or partial shade - not full sun as this will dry the fern and burn the fronds. It need moist but well drained soil and is an evergreen fern.


A beautiful large fern for any woodland or fernery. Also great around pond edges in shady areas. 



Growth Habit
  • Position: Shade, partial shade
  • Soil: consistenly moist, humus rich
  • Flowering Period: NA
  • Flower Colour: NA
  • Shape: Upright clump forming
  • Hardiness: Fully hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 1m
  • Ultimate Width: 1m
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